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Seasonal HVAC Maintenance

The weather in Plano in the USA goes extreme throughout the year. People keep well-functioning HVACs in their homes to keep rooms cool in summers and warm in winters. HVACs are machines and machines are prone to breakdowns if not properly maintained or repaired. 

There is a multitude of safety concerns arise due to the lack of HVAC maintenance. Regular Plano HVAC Maintenance can save you a lot of money.

If a crack in the furnace of your HVAC goes unnoticed, a flood of odorless and deadly carbon monoxide will come. 

Malfunctioned HVAC can also cause other serious problems. That’s why it is imperative to take HVAC maintenance seriously.


Change the Air Filters: It is important to change the air filters of your HVAC unit after every three months. Air filters are designed to purify the air that comes into your system. At affordable prices, you can change your HVAC’s air filters.

Clean Supply Return Vents: Make sure to clean the vents that pull air out of your rooms to be heated or cooled. These are called supply return vents. People think that the air is not moving through these vents because they are usually blocked by furniture or other obstructions.

Apply Lubricant on Moving Parts: If the parts of an HVAC unit are not properly lubricated, then they will take more energy to move. So, lubricate moving parts of your HVAC unit.

Clean the Condensate Drain: Some furnaces and air conditioners generate condensation. It is imperative to properly drain your condensation when sludge and grim block the drain.

HVAC Maintenance is crucial and can’t be ignored at any cost. Follow the steps above to properly maintain your HVAC or call professionals to do the work. 

If you’re looking for a Free Home Energy Audit, Efficient Home Solutions can provide you. 


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